Orlando China Visa Service

Need a China Visa in Orlando?
Book an Appointment!

Quick turnaround
Apply in person
Secure delivery of passport

A No-Stress China Visa Process

No matter the reason for your China visa application, whether you’re applying for a China business visa or a China tourist visa, the China Visa Department of Orlando has your China visa needs covered. You can complete your China visa application online 24/7 or trust our China visa specialists for guidance completing your application in our office. Walk-ins are welcome or call for appointment at Orlando’s #1 China visa office.

47 E Robinson St
Suite 254 Orlando,
FL 32801

For those who want to begin the process online, choose your China visa type from the options above. We’ll be your guides every step of the way to get it done right. Last, ship your materials and your China visa will arrive at your mailbox in just a few days’ time.

Tips for Travelers

Visit our travel blog for helpful tips and the latest news from the travel industry.

China Visa Department brings the ease of use of China visa application expediting to Americans all across the nation. Since there is no Chinese consulate in Florida, this is a critical service for our community. Whatever your need for an expedited China visa in Orlando, from China work visa, China business visa, China tourism visa or China crew visa, we’re the ones who can help.

Our goal is to provide the highest level of customer service, integrity, and professionalism while assisting you with your expedited China visa in Orlando.

Tourist Visa Requirements

Flights and hotels
State ID or utility bill


"We can't believe the process was so quick and easy."

- Sarah Jane